TMG-Berater bei der KI-basierten Lieferantensuche

AI-based supplier search

Intuitive, efficient, effective, fast, durable, worldwide and sustainable!

These are seven terms that fully apply to our AI-based supplier search.

This is 7Q1.

Supplier search is just as important a permanent topic for purchasing as costs, availability and quality. Ultimately, it can be the key, as with the right suppliers, almost all purchasing goals can be achieved.

TMG 9 Service – Procurement 9 AI-based supplier search

Supplier search more efficient than ever before

AI-based supplier search with 7Q1

With our AI-based supplier search, you can find the right suppliers with:

  • Almost no effort, just answer seven questions and evaluate a supplier pre-selection in the process.
  • Worldwide and without language barriers
  • Within hours, instead of weeks

This not only saves you up to 90% in time and costs, but also gives you comprehensive ESG/sustainability data and the option of permanent market screening.

There are no IT hurdles to overcome to enter the world of artificial intelligence in supplier search, as our solution is web-based and supports all common programme interfaces.

Please take the time to convince yourself of the above: Enter link to 7Q1.

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Service – Purchasing

Additional services

Purchasing cost reduction

Based on an initial analysis (quick check or comprehensive 360° analysis), we work with your purchasing department to implement the measures. We reduce your costs holistically and sustainably, at all times using the optimisation levers appropriate to your company and your situation and within the framework of an individually tailored concept.

Purchasing organisation development

Our consultants strengthen, develop, optimize and transform your procurement with individual measures in the fields of strategy, organization, processes, resources and performance that are adapted to the existing maturity level.

Sustainable purchasing

We accompany purchasing on the path to sustainability. From the assessment of the current situation to the definition of goals and joint implementation. Our experience from many customer projects helps to identify risks, define measures, meet legal requirements and select suitable partners and tools for you.

Digitalisation in purchasing

TMG’s purchasing and digitalisation experts help you to exploit the possibilities of automation and digitalisation in purchasing as well.

Portfolio/supplier management

Our experienced purchasing experts work with you to develop solutions to make your supply chain more resilient, better manage or eliminate risks and develop long-term commodity group/supplier strategies.

Purchasing potential analysis

We recommend an upstream potential analysis to identify existing optimisation potential and, in particular, derive an implementation concept specifically tailored to your company.


We Look Forward to Discussing Matters with You!

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