We support companies in the manufacturing industry in the field of supplier management whose strategic supplier management or supplier relationships have fallen back into old patterns based on mere transactions and the assertion of their own interests, where the relationship with strategic suppliers is described as complicated, as well as in the case of obvious deficiencies with such key suppliers.
Our TMG Quick Check gives you an independent expert view of your improvement potential very quickly and offers the opportunity for focused implementation measures.
Use of supplier risk management is a structured preventive method. This topic is becoming ever more important due to the increasingly volatile sales and procurement markets and at the same time the growing complexity and diversity of products and components. To that end, we have developed a Supplier Performance & Risk Assessment that specifically and efficiently identifies any weak points in your supply chain before your production comes to a standstill.
The question of the effort required to implement measures to develop existing suppliers versus the search for alternative suppliers often arises, in particular, in the field of risk assessment. Based on the jointly developed requirements, you define the criteria across departments for the approval of new suppliers. Depending on size, scope and specialisation, the search is conducted conventionally or with AI support. By way of an on-site visit, we can evaluate the performance of your (future) supplier. The supplier selection takes place along the criteria set at the beginning in a joint decision-making process.
The importance of digitally networked supply chains – locally and globally – is made clear by the need for resource efficiency in the procurement process: The higher the level of digitalisation and, therefore, the automation of their processes, the better purchasing staff can evolve from administrative-operational buyers to structured commodity group managers and strategic negotiators. The added value of purchasing – also as a companion in product development – is, therefore, decisively supported.
As part of supplier evaluation, individually defined assessment criteria are used to cover purchasing, quality and logistics issues. With regard to the role of suppliers as partners in development and the sustainability of the supply chain, aspects relating to innovation, risk, safety and the environment should also be taken into account. The supplier evaluation system that is right for your company is the basis for the assessment of your suppliers and subsequently also supports your purchasing department in the continual supplier development. However, the effectiveness of the supplier evaluation only becomes apparent when the derived measures have been discussed and agreed with the suppliers. The resulting solution proposals must be implemented and documented within a realistically defined period of time. We know from numerous projects which steps are necessary and which measures have proven in practice to raise supplier performance to the required level. After all, the primary focus of supplier development is to optimise the performance level of the supplier portfolio, adapt in line with changing conditions and improve cooperation with the supplier.
Despite extensive activities in supplier management, sudden performance disruptions in these supply chains occur time and again due to global, complex and interconnected supply chains. Based on our many years of practical experience and numerous consulting projects in crisis situations as well as the management of suppliers in “Daily business,” we are ideally equipped to help manufacturing companies of various sizes quickly and competently in the event of imminent or existing delivery failures. We know what is necessary and what has proven in practice to quickly bring supplier performance back to the required level.
By way of short-term “On-site” visits to critical suppliers, we find the weak points in the supply chain and create transparency with a supplier check specially developed by us, define the necessary optimisation measures and help with the operational implementation of such measures. Activities often focus on rapid implementation and ensuring the required quality Our services also include the development of production capacities if this serves to secure supply and is considered sensible or necessary for stability in the supply chain. Supply-related production stoppages are, therefore, a thing of the past.